Hi B.S. Welcome.
As a JW B.S., expect to be fed B.S.
You are very fortunate to have come here and met others who've been through the JW minefield.
Regain control of your life very quickly.
i have done bible study for about four months now.
the married couple who do it with me are lovely.
i have attended meetings for about two months.
Hi B.S. Welcome.
As a JW B.S., expect to be fed B.S.
You are very fortunate to have come here and met others who've been through the JW minefield.
Regain control of your life very quickly.
web site, it says this: on the night before he died, jesus told his followers to commemorate his death.
he said: “keep doing this in remembrance of me.” - luke 22:19. according to the wtbts/jw's, jesus had two distinct groups of followers with entirely different "hopes" – the “little flock” and the “other sheep.” .
exactly which group was instructed to commemorate his death by re-enacting the eating & drinking of the bread and wine - and to “keep doing it?” .
On your J.W. web site, it says this: On the night before he died, Jesus told his followers to commemorate his death. He said: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” - Luke 22:19
According to the WTBTS/JW's, Jesus had two distinct groups of followers with entirely different "hopes" – the “little flock” and the “other sheep.”
Exactly which group was instructed to commemorate his death by re-enacting the eating & drinking of the bread and wine - and to “keep doing it?”
Can you provide any scriptural justification for yourself and millions of others to attend this ritual as "spectators"?
a month ago i travelled alone to italy for three days and i had the opportunity to visit the beautiful florence and re-visit many parts of rome.. but most importantly, i had the opportunity to stay alone and think about my situation and to make up my mind.. i've had very clear for almost 5 years that i will eventually leave the religion, but i couldn't decide when.. but now i know : i will leave on april 20th, the day after the memorial.. that day i will talk to my parents (this is by far the hardest thing to do) and soon afterwards i will talk to my closest friends, then i will send my disassociation letter.
i know that i will let them down, i will hurt them, most probably some of them will cry... but i need to live coherently for the first time in my life.
i'm sure that living in this contradiction is affecting and will affect my mental health and it's time for me to help myself instead of others.
Take things slowly and consider all the potential options and outcomes.
You have a P.M.
I wish you well on your chosen course.
Just three degrees so far; (I feel a song coming on - "When will I see you again")
1) Marked for grassing on Elders to the Branch & C.O.
2) Shunned for fading
3) "Stoned to death" by family members for saying "negative" things (truths!) about the org.
I really miss the loving worldwide brotherhood - not!
.......has the news in the uk been dominated every single day for years by a single topic, i.e.
it's all-consuming.. and the way things are going, it's going to last way longer than ww2.. we've got at least another 1-2 years of "negotiating a deal" to endure - imho..
Hi SBF - As I've said to a good friend who's a staunch SNP/independence supporter:
1) If you get independence, you'll be under Brussels' thumb instead of Westminster's.
2) Want to join the Euro? Because England will probably refuse the use of Sterling.
3) Do you want a Scotland/England hard border?
No.1 says it all - Scotland would not be independent.
Ask Malta and the Maltese people how they feel now about their longed-for membership of the E.U.
Their island is no longer their island.
.......has the news in the uk been dominated every single day for years by a single topic, i.e.
it's all-consuming.. and the way things are going, it's going to last way longer than ww2.. we've got at least another 1-2 years of "negotiating a deal" to endure - imho..
.......has the news in the UK been dominated every single day for years by a single topic, i.e. Brexit. It's all-consuming.
And the way things are going, it's going to last WAY longer than WW2.
We've got at least another 1-2 years of "negotiating a deal" to endure - IMHO.
those wanting a copy of this file.
https://docdro.id/fllorzffile example:4. circuit overseer assistance arrangement: in harmony with the announcement to the congregation, please arrange for a resolution to be put to the congregation, authorising payment from congregation funds equivalent to £4.50/€5.00 per congregation publisher for the 2019 service year.
if the body of elders believes the suggested amount would impose a hardship on the congregation, the resolved amount can be adjusted accordingly.. .
Excellent once again Atlantis. Thank you.
From the previous self-proclaimed “faithful slave”:
w62 5/1 p. 277 How May I Contribute? - Surely it costs money to operate a world organization; still you never ask for donations.
HOUSEHOLDER: Well, how does it raise the needed money? WITNESS: The money comes from willing, unforced, unsolicited givers.
From the current self-proclaimed “faithful slave”:
w13 7/1 p. 4 Can You Trust Religion Regarding Money?
(Isn't the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses a religion?)
Estelle was a regular churchgoer with several children......I thought, ‘They don’t care if I even attend; they just want my money.’”
Angelina, who has always been religious, said: “In my church, they were always asking for money. I thought to myself, ‘They do not have God’s spirit.’ , Do the religions in your area employ direct or subtle pressure to obtain money? Is that in harmony with the Bible?” WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? How did the early Christians care for congregation expenses? Paul worked as a tentmaker to support his ministry.—Acts 18:2, 3. HOW DO JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES MEASURE UP?
Jehovah’s Witnesses commonly meet in modest buildings called Kingdom Halls. How are expenses covered? They never pass collection plates, (TRUE) nor do they send out envelopes (letters to congs!) to solicit donations. (BLATANT LIE) Rather, any who appreciate the spiritual program can discreetly place a donation in a contribution box at the Kingdom Hall. This magazine obviously costs money to print and ship. Yet you will never see....appeals for money. (BLATANT LIE)
G.B. - Read your RNWT: John 8:44 - “You are from your father the Devil....truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.”
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
Maybe before/at the next Annual Meeting in October, an announcement will be issued by the G.B. that "due to ill-health Brother Morris is standing down as a member of the G.B."
He has brought the name of Jehovah "the slave" into disrepute and will be viewed disparagingly by many JW's.
Could the org ever send him to another country for a speaking assignment? He's an embarrassing liability.
i was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
He was in a liquor store in New Jersey? Isn't that about 200 miles from his residence in Warwick?
That's a helluva drive to get whisky!
according to a recent filing, the watchtower has ordered reddit to give them the name of one of their posters who has used their right of free speech.
they are calling it copyright infringement.
but, we all know this is just another routine "hit" ordered by the watchtower mafia.
I saw this on Reddit last week and recognised the name "Darkspilver."
He used to be on this forum and was very frequently the first to provide certain news reports & information about the org.
However, a previous contributor on this site pointed out a glaring discrepancy in Darkspilver's "contributions", namely, that he never once criticised or disparaged the organisation, Quite the opposite.
Nor did he reveal that he was a devout & committed JW as he's now claiming in his court papers:
Page 7 of 25: Doe’s Need for Anonymity.
"Doe is a lifelong member of the Jehovah’s Witness community. Declaration of John Doe (Darkspilver) in Supp. Mot. Quash Subpoena to Reddit, Inc. Seeking Identify (“Doe Decl.”)
Many of Doe’s friends and family members are Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Doe cares deeply about this religious community and believes in many of its teachings, but Doe also has questions, doubts, and concerns about of the organization, including developments in its teachings and practices over recent years."
It's clear that while he was here he never voiced any "questions, doubts or concerns" about his beloved "slave."
Something's not kosher here! Is the org indulging in Trojan Horse tactics?